Saturday, November 12, 2011

high speed

I know to most people, modern, cosmopolitan people of 2011, high speed internet is no big deal. But for me, living in the "them thar hill's" of gorgeous western Montana where dial up is the horse and buggy of the age, still, getting high speed is the high point of many a month. And as par with new technology, it wasn't easy. Incompatibility issues... how often do we hear that when adding a new hardware to older computers?! It's become a litany of my life. But this morning I am on line, able to access my facebook in seconds rather than ten minutes! Am I jazzed or what?

So folks may gripe and whine about the pace of today's world- and I admit I'm one of those whiners- but today, I'm forgiving the glitches, run-around rhetoric, political hogwash as well as general hotwash... and just let me add, getting honked when I'm too slow on the jump at a green light!  All's forgiven this high speed day! (Now I just have to figure out how to reconfigure my email...!)

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