Friday, April 20, 2012

I owe ya...

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has pushed my learning curve on "social media" straight up. I am grateful, really. It's just... when do I get time to, um, write or paint or draw or read or clean out flower beds or till my garden (still have a month or more before planting, gosh darn it!) or dust (wait, never mind that) or knit or walk or Zumba... or work!

Facebooking will not be an addiction for me, though I might be a tad prone to addictions. There's none of that "chocolate" dopamine rush for me while nosing around the web. Still, I can sooo gossip! So it's back to GGA meetings for me. (That's Gossip Gals Anonymous, and if you haven't heard of it, then the goal of staying anonymous has been very successful.) Just know that if I see any of you there, I won't really see you there...

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