Wise Woke me this a.m. “Why are you Working so attentively
at What makes you feel Worth less?”
And WayWard answered. “We Will help With finding your Way.”
“My Way?” I asked. “Way Where?”
“Why, to the Who you Were,” answered Wise.
WayWard Winked. “That is Why We are here.”
Wise said, “Where are you Wanting to go, girl?”
I had to stop and ponder, I’d so Whittled my path a-Way.
WayWard re-Worded, “Where Were you going, girl?”
“To Write!” I proclaimed. “I Was going to al-Ways Write!”
“What are you Waiting for?” asked Wise.
“I Wonder…” WayWard mused, “have you Wasted all your Words?”
I stopped to think. W-once more.
“Writing is playing Witty, Whimsical Word games,” I said. “It is fun. But the
networking, publicity WhirlWind is impossible, unmanageable and therefore real Work and no fun.”
WayWard Wisecracked and Wise s-Wore.
While I Was Whispering self-justifications, WayWard and Wise proved
me afraid and a fraud… A Writer Who forgot to Write.
No longer Woeful, I’m now sq-Wished between WayWard and Wise
and W-once again a Whole sand-Witch.